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Factory introduction, Hamaoka factory

Hamaoka factory

〒437-1611 4071-7, Niino, Omaezaki-shi, Shizuoka
A phone number: 0537-86-8845
FAX number: 0537-86-8846
A factory site: 7207m2
A factory building: 784m2

State in the factory

■Whole view in the factory
■Machine in the factory
■Entrance in the factory

Hamaoka factory owner machine required

Vertical drill press YD2-54 Yoshida Machine Tool Two
Shirring A3-625 Aizawa ironworks One
sukeasharingu 6 X 2500 AST-625 Aizawa ironworks One
Press brake CII175 Matsuda Seisakusyo One
Uni-cutter FK515 Fujimura ironworks One
Captain so VX125 Great captain One
Rotary band saw CB32FB Hitachi One
Air plasma cutting machine YP-060P Panasonic One
Interchange arc welder RF350 Panasonic Two
CO2 welder Panaauto KR350 Panasonic 13
Traveling crane 2.8ton MEIDENSHA Three
Three-dimensional layout machine 16E-3000 X 2000 Tokyo Boeki Group Ltd., One
ritsuchu guri milling machine YZ8N Yamazaki Giken One
Long general-purpose lathe 5000 between the SE-28200 feeling San Shing Machinery One
General-purpose lathe STRONG 7 shaku Toyokazu industry One
Precisely small general-purpose lathe LPT-3 core interval WASHINO One

Traffic access

Hamaoka factory

〒437-1611 4071-7, Niino, Omaezaki-shi, Shizuoka phone number: A 0537-86-8845 FAX number: 0537-86-8846

On inquiring it

■You read "a privacy policy" on an inquiry, and please refer after an agreement.
■An answer may take time. Please refer for the dispatch over a telephone.
※Time in: From 8:00 to 17:00 (except Sunday and Monday, the holiday)
■In the case of a telephone: Please call to 0538-35-8708.
■In the case of FAX   :Please send it to 0538-35-8709.
Ezuka industry co., ltd.
636, Kamada, Iwata-shi, Shizuoka
A phone number: 0538-35-8708
An FAX number: 0538-35-8709
<duties contents>
Labor saving facilities
Transport system
Automatic storing device
Manufacturing parts
Steel structure
The design production mentioned above
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